One possible way to detect ghost is through the measuring of EMF (electromagnetic Frequencies). An EMF meter is an instrument that measures fluctuation in electromagnetic fields. Ghost/spirits seem to be surrounded by tiny amounts of EMF, so by scanning an area with an EMF meter it is possible to pick up traces of EMF which have no readily explainable “source” under normal circumstances. Using an EMF meter can not only be used to detect the presence of ghosts, but with a reading, it is possible to track or follow the movements of a ghost.
Before using an EMF meter to detect ghosts in a location, one should first take EMF readings throughout the entire site in order to establish any other sources of EMF, such as electrical appliances generators, electrical cables or other devices that either use or generate power. This is done to establish the normal readings for a location and to isolate any natural sources of EMF so as to avoid “false readings” i.e. mistaking a fridge as an indicator of supernatural activity (unless of course the fridge is opening and closing itself).
Knowing the base line EMF readings of the area is important in knowing what the normal expected frequencies are. Most normal readings for devices are in the range of 9.0 – 30.0 on the EMF meter. Always make sure to back up the meter’s readings with other pieces of evidence as well.
When using an EMF meter to detect ghost or spirits one should sweep the area methodically taking note of any readings. A thorough check is done to see if there is any possible natural cause for the reading, i.e. electrical appliance, power cable etc. If no natural causes are present at the location you are reading with the meter, you are dealing with paranormal activity.
A typical EMF reading both for normal and paranormal activity will lie within the range of 2.0 to 7.0. Any reading within this range that cannot be traced to a source is attributed to spirit activity.
Another characteristic of EMF readings to be aware of is that the closer one comes to the source the higher the reading will be. Take for example a T.V. if one points the meter at the T.V. one will get a reading and the closer one moves to the T.V. the stronger the reading will get.
A reading from a natural object will always occur in the same location and will not disappear or move unless the source is moved or removed. Readings from natural sources are always discarded.
EMF fields do not occur naturally, nor do they move or disappear and reappear. It is impossible for low level EMF readings to occur without a “natural source”. Any readings picked up without a “source” present are therefore attributed to spirits and/or residual energy from supernatural causes.
EMF meters have different distance ranges. They all work on the same principle. The meter’s field of detection is generally cone shaped similar to the beam of a flashlight. Its range depends on the model and how much you care to spend on an EMF meter.